More improvements, more teamwork between tracks, time ticking down, football season over, race season coming, yes, it is February and the days are getting longer and warmer, it will not be long and we will be racing at I-35 Speedway. Practice day is March 11 and opening night is March 18. Work continues with more and more improvements at the...Read More
We are pleased to announce that our new website is now live! The site has been designed to better support you to deliver a truly amazing racing experience. This is only the first stage of the launch, and work will continue to improve and develop our new site. We hope you enjoy the new look...Read More
I-35 Speedway Drivers Meeting will be held at Cameron Community Center in Cameron, MO this Saturday 1/21/2017 at 10:00 am. We invite all Drivers, Crews and Fans to join us as we discuss the upcoming 2017 racing season. As the weather continues to permit, Mike Johnson continues to work on improvements such as added bleachers,...Read More
The cold winter chill has not stopped the improvements at I-35 Speedway. Pit expansion is ongoing and new premium pit spots will be available for reservation at the January 21, 2017 drivers meeting. The drivers meeting will be conducted at the Cameron Community Center 915 Ashland Drive, Cameron, Missouri starting at 10:00 a.m. These new...Read More
The countdown is on! No not to the new year, even though that would be correct, no the countdown is on to the 2017 racing season! From January 1, it will only be 70 days until you can conquer the winter racing blues. Attached is the I-35 Speedway 2017 action packed racing schedule. March 11...Read More